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Legal Head Office
Via Barletta, 33
10136 TORINO – Italy
Via Trento, 54/B
16013 CAMPO LIGURE (Genova) – Italy
Phones: +39 370 3049754 e +39 328 9766697
Fiscal Code and VAT Nr.: IT10779660017
Nr. REA TO – 1161369
This site, which is owned 100% IDEA SRL, is made for e-commerce in relation to private and business customers (Business to Consumer and Business to Business).
The languages available to browse the site and place orders for 100%IDEA SRL are Italian and English.
Access to and use of, including display of web pages, communication with 100%IDEA SRL, the possibility to download products information and making purchases on the website, are carried out by our users only for personal use unrelated to any trade, business and professional.
The user of the site is the one and only responsible for the use of and its contents. 100%IDEA SRL will indeed not be held responsible for any use not in conformity with the laws in force and the content of the website by any of its users, prejudice to the responsibility of 100%IDEA SRL for willful misconduct and gross negligence. In particular, each user is the one and only person responsible for communication of information and incorrect data, or false about third parties, although they have given their consent, and in consideration of the improper use of the same.
Finally, since each material will be downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service on choice and risk of the user, any liability for any damage to computer systems or data loss resulting from unloading is with the user and cannot be charged to 100%IDEA SRL.
100%IDEA SRL accepts no responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to services on site or from damagecaused by viruses , corrupted files, errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions of content , network problems , providers or telephone and/or data transmission, unauthorized access to, alteration of data, failure and/or malfunction of electronic equipment of the user.
The user is responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of their personal information , including credentials that allow access to confidential services, as well as for any damages or injury which might arise against 100%IDEA SRL or third parties as a result of incorrect use, loss, removal of such information.
100% IDEA is entitled to make, without any notice, technical and aesthetic modifications and improvements on its website. The following Terms and Conditions of Use may be changed from 100% IDEA SRL, without notice, in consideration of possible regulatory changes. Any new Terms of Use will be valid from the date of publication on and will apply to sales concluded after the new disclosure. Each user is therefore requested to regularly access this section. We encourage users to do not share, even in part, what’s contained in the General Conditions of Use of , to do not use our website.
Each user is encouraged to read the Privacy section even if without making purchases.
We in 100% IDEA SRL take care every day of all the tangible aspects of the products we offer for sale, of their qualitative, aesthetic and functional characteristics; our reliability, the ability of our company to operate with substantial and procedural fairness; to facilitate communication with our consumers, to transmit their safety, by creating an environment able to listen to the needs of each customer, in its specific individuality.
WE WOULD NEVER HAVE TO GET TO A DISPUTE WITH THE CONSUMER, nevertheless, the interpretation and implementation of the sales contract at a distance between 100%IDEA SRL and the Customer are subject to the legislation of the Italian jurisdiction. For sales that took place in Italy, the competent court will be the place where the customer is domiciled. It is understood that in the event of disruption or controversy between 100% IDEA SRL and our user / customer, already from now we guarantee our participation in an attempted to a friendly settlement that the user can promote at RisolviOnline (www.risolvionline .com)
RisolviOnline is an independent institutional provided by the Chamber of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, allowing you to reach a satisfactory agreement with the help of a competent and neutral conciliator, in a friendly and safe way.
All website contents of and software are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of 100% IDEA SRL and other rights holders.
The reproduction is prohibited, in whole or in part, in any form of playback and its contents, without the express written consent of 100% IDEA SRL. With regard to the use of, the user is authorized to only display the web site and its contents.
The user of the site is authorized to do all other acts of temporary reproduction devoid of economic significance that are considered transient or incidental, integral and essential part of the same view of and its contents and all other operations of navigation on the website that are performed only for a legitimate use of and its contents. It is not allowed to the user is to make reproductions, total or partial, of and its contents.
From time to time, and only upon specific request, 100% IDEA SRL, reserves itself to authorize an eventual act of reproduction.
Exclusive owner of the logos and trademarks “KING Flipchart” and “ ” and of any other sign which includes the word “KING flipchart” is 100% IDEA SRL
100% IDEA SRL is also the owner of the domains “” and “”
All other brands that distinguish products sold on and on the website are trademarks of their respective owners and are used within the site with the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products for sale on
Nobody, without the consent of 100% IDEA SRL and any other holders of trademarks published on the website, is entitled to use those marks, even for distinguishing goods or services even if not similar to those of or other brands holders.
LINKS TO OTHER WEB SITES contains or may contain hyperlinks (“links “) to other websites that do not have any connection with or KING Flipchart . 100%IDEA SRL is not obliged to check or to take actions to monitor these websites and their contents, therefore 100% IDEA SRL cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites or the procedures adopted by these on the users privacy concern.Each user is therefore prompted to pay attention when connecting to these web sites through links provided on and carefully read their terms of use and privacy.
General Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy do not apply to websites managed by someone different than 100% IDEA SRL.
Anyone interested in activating links to the home page and other web pages of , which are publicly accessible, can contact 100% IDEA SRL to the following email address 100% IDEA SRL sets aside, always and in any case , to accept the activation of direct links to its website.
It is in any case forbidden to post deep hypertext links (such as deep frames or deep links ) in, or the unauthorized use of meta tags, without the permission of 100% IDEA SRL.
100% IDEA SRL refuses to publish on its website , and ensures that this does not happen , any content describing or representing situations of physical or psychological violence on people and animals or situations such as may be considered harmful to civil convictions, of human rights and dignity of people and animals in all their forms and expressions.
100% IDEA SRL operates so that the content in its website does not contain any incorrect or out of date than the date of their publication . Nonetheless 100% IDEA SRL assumes no responsibility towards users of the accuracy and completeness of the content posted on its website, except for its liability for tort and gross negligence and as otherwise provided by law.
100% IDEA SRL, moreover cannot guarantee its users that the website will operate continuously without interruption and without errors or malfunctions due to Internet connection.
Although 100% IDEA SRL will try to do everything possible to ensure continuous access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and web content may not allow to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to operate web site updates.