The team of KING flipchart

Here we are: Tiziana Terazzan and Sandro Rizzo!

Here in Italy, we’ve invented and produce KING Flipchart, the first and unique professional flipchart available all over the world.
KING’s panel is Double-Wide and grants a Panoramic view.
Moreover, KING’s foldable and portable with the comfy and elegant cases.
We supply the prestigious KING all over the world.

KING Flipchart - The Team, Tiziana and Sandro

Tiziana Terazzan:

  • Deals Marketing and Sales
  • Fluent in English and French
  • Vivacious. She’s attracted to innovations and loves self-empowerment

Sandro Rizzo:

  • Deals R&D and takes care of production and logistics
  • Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese
  • He’s able to transform ideas into things
  • He’s a compulsive reader

Tiziana has an extensive experience of 33 years working in Marketing and in Sales Depts. in several companies.
Sandro has designed and built custom-made furnishings for over 15 years.

We had this phenomenal idea: produce the Big Professional KING Flip Chart for the Experts.
We’re both very creative and able to help people solve their difficulties and find innovative solutions.

We’re well-acquainted with business and personal-empowerment courses, iwe created the giant panoramic KING in November, 2012.

Before then, we were used to seeing Professionals using average, improper flipcharts during seminars in meeting rooms, in videos and on-stage in front of hundreds of people.

The conventional flipcharts that are available are too small, vertical and narrow.
They are awful!

The ordinary, standard flipchart is made to fit in little locations, small offices.
Conventional flipcharts are small because they’re supposed to entertain and address tiny audiences!

More than a century has passed with no improvement to the project since the creation of the flipchart.

Tiziana and Sandro present KING Flipchart, the large giant board for coaches, consultants, lawyers, experts.

We were very excited when we saw KING on stage for the first time.
There were over 400 attendees in the room.
That day we understood that we brought about a revolutionary change in presentations.

The double-wide dimensions and the landscape development of the panel allowed a clear and precise reading from the audience.

And, at last, the trainer could finally write comfortably and clearly.

All changes from today on!

this is what the Coach wrote on KING

The Trainer’s satisfaction and the active participation of the audience was enough to make KING available to the industry.

In just a few months KING has been appreciated by the Top Italian coaches: Roberto Re, Max Formisano, Alfio Bardolla, Frank  Merenda, Mik Cosentino, Luca Picchio, Success Resources by Girolamo  Portacci …  to name just a few.

KING can also be seen in the  executive offices of prestigious companies, fashion and hairstylist ateliers, driving schools, hotels, webagencies, law offices, …

Out of Italy, Top Authorities such as Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Eric Worre, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker, Russell Brunson, Dan Martell, Grant Cardone, Franck  Nicolas, Chris Record,  Dan Lok, Bruno Pinheiro, Brooke Castillo, Erico  Rocha, David Neagle, Mel Abraham, Matthew Hussey, Kevin Ward, Conrado  Adolpho, Azizan Osman, David Keesee and Sharon Pearson wanted their own KING.

KING  is the perfect flipchart for courses and events in meeting rooms, for  trainings and presentations on stages and for webinars online.

In other words, KING is the perfect tool for experts who have a message to share with an audience.

Today, the visual communication is evolving and getting more and more important.

The Big KING Flipchart is the most effective and enhancing tool, the unique professional one available in the world.

With KING, you’ll resonate with your Audience!

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It’s unique to the world, designed and produced in Italy only by 100% IDEA!


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It usually takes about 4 or 6 days to have KING delivered to any destination!

Write to for all the information you’ll need!

To Your Success,
Tiziana and Sandro